Holes began to appear in the white areas of the flag out front. I had no idea what was causing it until I noticed this:
Apparently red wasps were chewing out the holes in the nylon flag. Anyone have insight into why they were doing this? I have since replaced it with a tougher polyester flag and the wasps have left it alone.
BIS high efficiency fireplace
During the winter, our main heat source is an EPA certified high efficiency wood fireplace with a blower. Having moved in February, we got to use it some. It kept the upstairs and livings areas nice and warm and burned 6-7 hours between loadings, but it wasn't sufficient to heat the peripheral rooms fully. We had to use the central furnaces in the mornings to take the nip off. While we were pleased with its performance, the wood I gathered from the property at the time wasn't fully dried and wasn't optimum.
Logs left by the previous homeowner
Wood split and stacked
I've been splitting existing logs and cutting dead standing timber to build a dry stockpile for the coming winter months. There's something very satisfying about heating with wood and having good log pile put up.
Backyard Fresh Foods was started in the spring of 2009 with a vision of helping people raise wholesome foods right in their own backyard.
We use organic methods and designs that grow more food, with less effort, in less space than the traditional row gardens of the past.
And I thought I was done planting peppers
I had forgotten to look in the bin that has customer-donated heirloom
seeds! Oops! Well, I did and found four interesting, new-to-us peppers, two
sweet and...
On life in the milk lane
My baby with the one and only bottle baby on the farm, March 2010 Many,
many people find my blog because we all share an interest in gardening.
And garden...
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