This will be a continuing series. Each Monday we will look ahead at the coming week in gardening for the Northwest Arkansas area.
Newly planted spaghetti squash vine emerging
Our spaghetti squash have been slaughtered by the squash vine borer (1 vine left). Ever the optimists, we have replanted. We should have just enough time to get a crop in before the first frost of the year. It's our thought that this planting will be too late in the season for the squash vine borers to invade. We'll keep you updated.
Things to be on the lookout for:
Adult cucumber beetle
If you have cucumbers, melons, or squash, be on the lookout for these small yellow beetles. They can be spotted as shown above or striped as seen here. The adults can damage leaves and fruits, while the larvae can damage the plant's roots. These aren't really a huge problem except in very young plants or if you let the adult population get very high. The real problem with these beetles is that they transmit a disease called bacterial wilt. We have had every cucumber vine (8 in total) wiped out at a customer's garden this year due to this disease. We just replanted.
Newly planted cucumbers emerging
Newly planted cucumbers emerging
So what can be done about it? Once infected with the bacteria, nothing can be done for the vine. The best strategy is so reduce the cucumber beetle population. A regular coating of diatomaceous earth
on the young seedlings will keep the beetles at bay. Once the seedlings get up a little, our old standby neem oil
will discourage feeding and reduce the population of cucumber beetles. It has the added benefit of reducing any problems with mildew.
Weather outlook:
-Mid 80's early in the week; warming to low 90's late in the week
-Chance of rain today and tomorrow
-Ten day forecast
-Chard and kale
-Cucumbers (MANY cucumbers!)
-Kohlrabi (almost all gone)
-Squash and zucchini
-Squash blossoms
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs
-Cucumbers (MANY cucumbers!)
-Kohlrabi (almost all gone)
-Squash and zucchini
-Squash blossoms
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs