This will be a continuing series. Each Monday we will look ahead at the coming week in gardening for the Northwest Arkansas area.
Wilting spaghetti squash vine
The heat and lack of rain continue to be the big story. Cooler nights arrive this week. With this drop in overnight temperatures will come increased garden production and harvest. Be ready to eat or put up the produce. Until then, keep things well-watered and think about learning to do a proper rain dance.
Spaghetti Squash / Squash Vine Borer Update:
We stopped by to check on the spaghetti squash vines and the pest insects have found them. When we say found, we mean savaged. Squash vine borer? Check. Squash bugs? Check. Bacterial wilt carrying cucumber beetles? Striped AND Spotted. Check. Aphids? Check. We went on a squash bug, cucumber beetle, aphid, squash vine borer killing spree. Our shorts, hands, arms, and even cheeks were splatted with insects guts. We must have killed over 150 squash bugs alone and our thumbs and forefingers are still stained yellow from their innards. It was bad. So bad that we are stepping up to pyrethrin
spray. Pyrethrin is a natural compound extracted from chrysanthemums and is approved for use in organic gardens. Beware that pyrethrum and permethrin are not approved for organic gardens. We will be mixing neem oil and pyrethrin into one spray. The pyrethrin provides immediate kill and the neem provides some residual protection. This can be bought as a premix under the trade name NeemII
. We will keep you updated.
Things to be on the lookout for:
Squash bug nymphs on spaghetti squash vine
Frass (aka bug poop) on a watermelon
This is a sure sign of insect activity. If found, take a closer look. Hint: Look above the deposits. See the leaffooted bugs?
Leaffooted bug nymph on a pepper plant
Spotted cucumber beetle on a spaghetti squash vine
Two striped cucumber beetles breeding
Aphids and ants on a spaghetti squash vine
If your plants are inexplicably covered in ants, take a closer look. Some ants, such as these odoriferous house ants (aka sugar ants), will "farm" aphids. Aphids suck juices from your plants and produce a sugary substance called honeydew from their anuses. The ants eat this and in exchange, protect the aphids. Aphids are not very mobile and a sharp stream of water will blast them off of the plants and out of your hair.
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs