This will be a continuing series where we look ahead at the coming week in gardening for the Northwest Arkansas area.
The last tomatoes of the season |
We harvested all of the tomatoes ripe or not due to the impending freeze. They have taken up residence on our kitchen counter in hopes that they will ripen up. The one's that don't will be chicken food.
The freeze killed the tomato plants deader than a door nail |
The garden, now just a salad garden |
Chard not liking the freezing temperatures |
The chard can stand light to moderate frosts, but doesn't like freezes. With it expected to get to 25 degrees later this week, we don't expect the chard to hang around much longer.
Lettuce |
New lettuce coming up |
We are getting a couple of family sized salads a week from the garden. We planted more a week ago and it's popping right up. Our source for a glass door for the cold frame hasn't come through yet, so our cold frame plans are put on hold until spring. Without a cold frame our lettuce growing season will be shortened. We did build a cold frame at a customer's and promise a post about that this week.
Next year's strawberry plants are digging the cooler weather |
Towards the end of the season, we allow our strawberry plants to send out runners into the main garden bed. This is a great source for free daughter plants next year. They will overwinter here and be transplanted in the early spring.
The blueberry bush leaves are turning red |
No eggs today |
We're averaging about a half dozen eggs a week right now.
-Highs in the mid 60s to low 50s over the next week with a chance of rain today. A freeze is expected Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night.
-Chard (Probably the last week that this will be available)
-Mint (The only herb that has survived the first freeze)