First watermelon of the year
I hope you all had a great 4th of July holiday! We harvested our first watermelon of the season this weekend. It was very sweet, but still needed a few days on the vine.
Salvaged spaghetti squash from dying vines
About 70% of our spaghetti vines succumbed to the ravages of the squash vine borer (SVB) despite our best efforts at cutting the buggers out of the vines. We harvested 4 squash from the dying vines, but they may or may not turn out to be mature enough to eat. It appears that the remaining vines are going to pull through. The adult SVB moths are nearing the end of their mating cycle (i.e. egg laying). Our plan B is to replant the destroyed vines now with the idea that they should escape the SVB and still have enough time to produce for us before our first killing frost arrives in mid-October. That's the plan; we will keep you posted.
Things to be on the lookout for:
We are still finding and smashing squash bug eggs and nymphs here and there. Check your squash leaves for eggs once a week.
Mexican bean beetle nymph
We found an adult Mexican bean beetle and several of its nymphs on watermelon vines, squash plants, and sweet potato leaves. We didn't get a picture of the adult because it was mistaken for a lady beetle, which is a very beneficial insect for the garden. The Mexican bean beetles are in fact in the same family as the lady beetle. They are larger than a typical lady beetle, orangish brown, with black spots. Images of the adults can be seen here. The nymph (pictured above) is small at only a half inch long, yellow with black spikes protruding from the body. They defoliate garden plants relatively quickly, so visiting your garden daily is imperative. Hand picking nymphs has kept us from experiencing damage from them this year. If you get a heavy infestation, neem oil
is effective against them.
About 70% of our spaghetti vines succumbed to the ravages of the squash vine borer (SVB) despite our best efforts at cutting the buggers out of the vines. We harvested 4 squash from the dying vines, but they may or may not turn out to be mature enough to eat. It appears that the remaining vines are going to pull through. The adult SVB moths are nearing the end of their mating cycle (i.e. egg laying). Our plan B is to replant the destroyed vines now with the idea that they should escape the SVB and still have enough time to produce for us before our first killing frost arrives in mid-October. That's the plan; we will keep you posted.
Things to be on the lookout for:
We are still finding and smashing squash bug eggs and nymphs here and there. Check your squash leaves for eggs once a week.
Mexican bean beetle nymph
We found an adult Mexican bean beetle and several of its nymphs on watermelon vines, squash plants, and sweet potato leaves. We didn't get a picture of the adult because it was mistaken for a lady beetle, which is a very beneficial insect for the garden. The Mexican bean beetles are in fact in the same family as the lady beetle. They are larger than a typical lady beetle, orangish brown, with black spots. Images of the adults can be seen here. The nymph (pictured above) is small at only a half inch long, yellow with black spikes protruding from the body. They defoliate garden plants relatively quickly, so visiting your garden daily is imperative. Hand picking nymphs has kept us from experiencing damage from them this year. If you get a heavy infestation, neem oil
Weather outlook:
-Low to upper 80's
-Chance of rain every day
-Ten day forecast
What's being harvested:
-Chard and kale
-Spaghetti squash (much too early)
-Hearing reports of red tomato harvests (ours are STILL green)
-Green tomatoes
-Cucumbers (MANY cucumbers!)
-Kohlrabi (almost all gone)
-Squash and zucchini
-Squash blossoms
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs
What's coming soon:
-Red tomatoes