Dam at Lee creek |
Just a quick report on the last Junior Master Gardener meeting. If you've got kids, this is a really fun and educational club. Check it out
HERE. The meeting was held at
Devil's Den state park. The park, including the dam shown above, was built in the 1930's by the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC). Click the link for more information about the park.
The kids were treated to a talk on bats by one the park's interpreters, played "wildflower tag", and ate hot dogs and chips. Afterwards we had to option of listening to a talk on snakes or going on a self directed hike. We went hiking!
Refreshing waterfall |
Mating speckled king snakes |
It was an usually warm spring day (upper 80s) making it a great day for a hike. We hiked about a 2 mile circular route that took us up and over a mountain and past numerous caves with cool breezes wafting out of them. We went under a waterfall and got to explore numerous cool rock formations. We came across the snakes pictured above. They were right in the middle of the trail breeding! How cool. The trail went past Lee creek, giving dad a chance to lie down in the grass while Will threw rocks in the water. By the end of the hike, our blood was pumping and we had gotten rid of some of the winter cobwebs.