- Spray the insects off with a strong stream of water
- Works especially well on small, less mobile pests like aphids
- Neem Oil
- We have had a lot of success as a treatment for powdery mildew, downy mildew, and other fungal problems
- Also, works well as an insecticide because it only harms insects that eat plant material
- Spray in the evening and avoid flowers to reduce the likelihood of harming bees
- Bacillus thuringiensis
- Kills caterpillars and gnats by invading their gut with a harmful bacteria
- Does not harm beneficial insects, humans, pets, etc.
- Beneficial Insects
- Beneficial nematoads are microscopic insects that naturally parasitize many pest insects that live in the soil
- Lady beetles and green lacewings eat large numbers of aphids and other pests
- Diatomaceous Earth
- Kills all insects (especially hard bodied insects) by physically cutting them with its sharp edges allowing natural organisms to invade and kill the insect
- WARNING: This treatment will also kill beneficial insects, so be thoughtful with when and how it is applied. Also avoid breathing it in during application.
- Insecticidal Soap or Horticultural Oil
- Kills all types of insects by coating them and depriving them of oxygen
- WARNING: These treatments will also kill beneficial insects, so be thoughtful with when and how they are applied.
- Additives such as garlic juice and cayenne pepper can be added to insecticidal soap for residual pest repelling properties
It never rains but it pours
We’ve been having some real cold weather with the high something like 5
degrees F. We were on our way to granddaughter, Delilah’s birthday party at
her oth...
2 days ago