With the warmer days, insects are beginning to arrive. Don't be disheartened to see large numbers of insects in your garden. Most of them are beneficial or harmless!
Things to be on the lookout for:
Imported cabbageworm is a pest of broccoli, cabbage, kale, and kohlrabi. If you are growing any of these be on the lookout for small white moths fluttering about, large holes in leaves, and small (up to 1 1/2" long) green caterpillars on the undersides of leaves. They like to align their bodies with the central vein of the leaf to better blend in. If you see any of the signs of this insect, spray both sides of the leaves with Bacillus thuringiensis to control them. This is very effective and organic.
Powdery mildew and Downy mildew are severe diseases that can quickly kill squash, cucumber, and melons. If you see any white powdery spots or small yellowing spots on the leaves of these plants, take action immediately. There are many treatments, but our favorite organic solution is neem oil.
Watering tips:
-Avoid getting water on the leaves if possible to lessen fungal problems
-Water in the morning (evening if you must)
-Do not water during the heat of the day
-It is better to water very well once than to water lightly often
What's being harvested:
-Squash blossoms (they are good fried!)
-Loose Lettuce (enjoy this now, because this hot weather will soon have them turning bitter)
-Green onions
What's coming soon:
-Broccoli heads are forming
-Pepper and squashes are putting on fruits
Weather outlook:
-very warm (mid 80's)
-chance of rain Tuesday-Thursday
-10 day forecast
What's coming soon:
-Broccoli heads are forming
-Pepper and squashes are putting on fruits
Weather outlook:
-very warm (mid 80's)
-chance of rain Tuesday-Thursday
-10 day forecast
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