Monday, July 19, 2010

Weekly Gardening Outlook

This will be a continuing series. Each Monday we will look ahead at the coming week in gardening for the Northwest Arkansas area.

The onions are ready to be harvested.  Look for more discussion of onions later in the week.  The paste (cooking type) tomatoes are coming online.  The garlic is harvested and put up.  Peppers are starting to pop.  What does that add up to?  Well, almost any Italian dish really, but for us it's salsa making time!  The cilantro has all flowered due to the heat, so we had to resort to buying that at the local store.  Next to watermelons, fresh salsa is the best thing about summer gardening.  

     Flowering cilantro

In anticipation of the coming harvests, we are freeing up freezer space.  Last summer we raised 15 hens and 25 roosters.  We kept the 6 best looking hens and put the rest into the freezer.  We tried to keep the best two roosters around, but in our opinion, they just made too much noise for a suburban environment.  We are pressure canning the remaining meat.  Chicken salad anyone?

Things to be on the lookout for:

Japanese beetles are out in full force.  As we've discussed before here, they can be kept at bay on medium to small plants with a jar of soapy water and diligence.  On our pole bean arbor and large apple tree, this just isn't possible.  Too much real estate and too high up.  Being busy people, we let the beetles get a head start on our apple tree.  They did this much damage in a little over a week!  The tree will survive, as it has past attacks, but it now has much less foliage to gather the sun's energy.  The result will likely be smaller apples.  They are just now attacking our pole beans and we aren't going to go down without a fight.  So how to deal with this problem organically?  Our old friend neem oil to the rescue.  A twice weekly application should hold them off.  We are also attacking them on another front by spreading milky spore on the lawn.  This is a bacteria that invades beetle grubs and kills them within 1-3 weeks.  When that grub dies, it releases even more milky spore to take out other grubs.  This method is organic and safe for pets and children.  We'll keep you updated on our progress.

Weather outlook:
-Low 90's
-Dry; very slight chance of rain late in the week
Ten day forecast

What's being harvested:
-Green beans (Wow!  These pole beans are really producing!)
-Watermelons (Getting some delicious melons)
-Chard and kale
-Onions (Most are ready to harvest)
-Cucumbers (MANY cucumbers!)
-Kohlrabi (Should probably pull the last stragglers, but haven't yet)
-Squash and zucchini (Squash vine borer has hurt the harvest, but still getting some zucchini)
-Squash blossoms
-Celeriac leaves, basil, mint, and other herbs (all going strong)